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Privacy Policy

Personal Information

Users can visit the anonymously. We do not report or keep any identity facts about our users except they choose to offer it voluntarily. Users can always choose not to provide private identification information. However, if they do provide it, they’re liable for ensuring that the records are accurate. isn’t liable for any false or incorrect information provided through users. If we discover such incidents, we can ban customers from gaining access to and using the and our services.


We show “advertisements” on the to aid our research and development efforts for non-commercial purposes. These commercials are added to customers via advertising partners, who can also use cookies to collect non-private identity facts about users and their devices. The cookies do not track personal information such as email addresses, names, or physical addresses. Users of are not obligated to accept these ads and can choose to refuse using cookies or stop accessing our application and website at any time.

Changes To This Privacy Policy reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time. When we make changes, we will notify users by posting a notification on the main page of the and revising the updated date on the top of this page. We encourage users to check this page regularly for any modifications to stay informed about how we’re helping to protect their personal data we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it’s your responsibility to check this privacy policy periodically and become aware of any changes.

Acceptance Of These Terms

By accessing and using the, you are indicating your voluntary acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree, please do not use our services. Your continued use of the services after we post any modifications to the policy will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide and be bound by the modified policy.